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Showing posts from May 8, 2016

POEM: Mothers of Eve, Expansion

Mothers of Eve, Expansion  By Scott L. Vanatter, May 8, 2016, Mother’s DayPoem for Carrie and Sydney -- and their Mother. (Original minimalist version written November 15-17, 2015.) Like their Mother: Three Agencies INHERENT  Deep within each of them exits their very own, individual Inherent Agency.    Since time immemorial they have possessed this power.   It propels them on. Choosing. Acting. Becoming.    Because they exist, it is there. It was always there. It is always there. It will always be there.     This uncovered power reveals their very own personal eternal yearning.      Yearning for good, for improvement, for progression. (Having been Prepared from Eternity, they are now Fulfilling their Destiny, and Forging their Eternal Identity. // Chosen they are. They act with real Intent. Freely they Consent to eternal verities. In Descending to Earth, they Ascend to Heaven. Having been Sent, they prepare and send ...