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Showing posts from February 24, 2013

Discoveries in Chiasmus now available at Deseret Book in addition to

Our recent book, Discoveries in Chiasmus: A Pattern in All Things, is now available at Deseret Book in addition to See links here: And here: A couple of years ago Yvonne Bent invited me, among others, to be one of the speakers at a conference she organized on chiasmus . She and I have subsequently edited the proceedings into this new Second Edition. We added a Bio on each author, an Index, and improved the formatting for ease of reading. "This book is a compilation or anthology of the some of the best and most current research on Chiasmus. Each of these author/presenters includes a powerful and unique perspective comprising the separate chapters of the book. "Chiasmus, once assumed to be only an ancient Hebraic literary pattern, can be shown to provide a pattern in all things. It has been identifie...

"We Are The Champions, My Friend"

Citrus College Owls (Mission Conference Champions 1972)