How Priesthood Leaders Have Blessed Me and My Family And Helped Us Come Closer to Christ Talk by Scott Vanatter at Oakton Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting, June 11, 2011 INTRO Melchizedek priesthood leaders are taught that “…this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth . . . the key of the knowledge of God.” That “…in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.”(DC 84: 19-20) Good morning brethren. My topic is, “How Priesthood Leaders have Blessed Me and My Family -- and Helped Us Come Closer to Christ.” My family and I have been blessed by inspired words of ward and stake priesthood leaders. We’ve also been blessed by their dedicated lives – by what they do, by who they are. Their eternal perspective, and their connection with us, has created within us a lively, real world hope. This ‘hope in Christ’ provides us calm assurance that we can do it -- we can live the gospel, repent and progress and come unto Christ…. [1] ORDINANCES As impor...
Scott Vanatter