Walk into our house at Christmas and there, in the middle of everything, is our beautiful Christmas Tree -- warm, inviting, delicate, interesting, varied, colorful, meaningful . . . full of love and memories. Every ornament placed on the tree a cherished memory of family and friends. While it is a reflection of our family's history and interests and connections, really it is a mirror image of the love and breadth of my beautiful wife. This is her gift which she gives to us and all those who cross our doorway (or for those who drive by and glance into our living room) at this enchanting and sacred time of year. I look at the tree and see the love with which we've been blessed. Every day I look at my beautiful, warm, inviting, delicate, interesting, varied, colorful, and meaningful wife (My Eternal Sweetheart) and bask in the love and memories and the future we share. Thank you Becky for such beauty and love.
Scott Vanatter