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Showing posts from May 13, 2012

On Destructive Doubt

On Destructive Doubt Compared to Fruitful Faith Scott L. Vanatter, October 1, 2006, August 29, 2007, October 10, 2007, May 15, 2012   Of course, there is such a thing as faith run amok, as well as there is such a thing as a healthy skepticism. (“Trust, but verify.”) Still . . .   I. Faith creates clarity.       Doubt causes confusion.  Faith enlightens.       Doubt darkens.  Faith is light.       Doubt is dark.  Faith feels.       Doubt numbs. Faith joys.       Doubt fears feelings. Faith is full.       Doubt is empty.  Faith fills with beauty.       Doubt ends in ugliness.       Faith Sings.       Doubt sorrows.  II. Faith is assurance; doubt, misgivings.  Faith creates commitment; doubt, d...