This morning Becky was one of the presenters at the Oakton Virginia Stake Women's Conference 2013. She and a former colleague from Fairfax County Schools presented together. Here's a blurb about their presentation: Title: Raising Resilient Children: It’s Never Too Late! Presenters: Becky Vanatter and Virginia Rutledge They will share and discuss the pitfalls that hinder resilience and share some life-strategies to teach children of all ages (K-YSA) to help them through their school life, missions, and come what may. Rebecca Vanatter and Virginia Rutledge are members of the Fair Oaks Ward. Becky Vanatter works for Brigham Young University as the coordinator for BYU's student teaching program in the Washington D.C. Public Schools. She previously worked as a 6th grade teacher in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) for almost 15 years. Jenna Rutledge is a retired school psychologist from FCPS for 20 years. Both have advanced degrees in how children/people learn. T
Scott Vanatter