The Heart of The Book of Mormon Scott Vanatter, July 21, 2013 PICTURE Picture with me, in your mind’s eye, that you are present at the crowning event -- the heart -- of The Book of Mormon. The Lord Jesus Christ descends out of heaven and stands before you -- in all his majesty, grandeur, and glory – yet somewhat paradoxically, with a sweet inner humility. And you are drawn to Him. The darkness has dispersed. As the new day begins to dawn, you gravitate toward the Temple. You finally recognize the voice of Heavenly Father introducing his Beloved Son. This is the moment that has been prophesied for so many years. This is the moment you have eagerly awaited. You can see him with your natural eyes. But, in a special way, you now see him as never before with your spiritual eyes – the eyes of your understanding. You see him as he is. You not only see his face, you see and understand his heart better than ever before. And yours swells as wide as eternity. You can f...
Scott Vanatter